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The weekend of 22 August to 24, 2014 directed by spiritual leader Shejh Rustemi of Halveti Aliye Ramazanije Tekke from the region of Sukth in Durresi , accompanied with Shejhzade Zamir Shehu many believers of these sect of Islam went up to the Sacred Tomb named Halvetian Tyrbe as part of the annual ritual of Zikri (Dhikr)(Rememberance of God) also returning to the lands of their ancestors in the mountainous heights of Kukësi region near land border between three states of Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia.
Fundjaven e 22 deri ne 24 gusht 2014 drejtuar nga Sheh Rustemi, Shezade Zamir Shehu dhe besimtaret e Tarikatit Halveti Alije Ramazanije nga Teqja e Sukthit ne Durres u ngjiten ne ritualin e pervitshem kthimin ne trojet e eterve te tyre ne lartesite malore te rajonit te Kukesit prane Dibres vendin nderkufitar mes Shqiperise Kosoves dhe Maqedonise.
Islamic believers of Halveti Tariq and members of Shehu family honored Shejhs generations of personalities of patriotic mans , humanists, authoritarian and peacemakers since the first leader and builder of this believe in this country Shejh Ali Qoban Baba.
Besimtaret Islamike Halvetiane dhe familjaret nderuan breznite e shehelereve te vleresuar si atdhetare, paqtues e arsimdashes me themeluesin e te parin e tyre ne kete vend Shejh Ali Qoban Baben.
After prayer and doing ritual of Dhikr (rememberance of Lord) pilgrims tasted the traditional dishes nature prosperous, healthy water and the landscape illustrated with stories of miracles in this holy place.
Pas faljes dhe ziqrit pelegrinet shijuan gatimet tradicionale, natyren e begate, ujin e shendetshem, peisazhin dhe relievin mahnites ilustruar me historite e mrekullive ne kete vend te shenjte.
Halveti Tariq was named from the service and
the spiritual leader. That service was similar as that of all prophets had surpassed before like:
prophet Moses in the mountain of Turisina.
Noah the prophet in his boat, Isaiah in the
forest, prophet Mohammed in the cave at Hira mountain. There it came to him the
prophecy ( divine revelation) with the
versus of Qur’an “Ikre bi ismi rabike
ledhi halek” . Read in the name of your God who is Creator etc…
This kind of service is in all other Tariq ( Islamic sects)
without exception.
All the Tariq like beautiful flowers of Islam, set
light to patriotism to the people. They spread mysticism of Islam in all the country.
Recommendation of Tariq and love of Ehli Bejt
(family of prophet Mohammed) are the
noodle of brotherhood of Muslims. It was liberal and philosophical mentality that found support
and furtherance between people.
And it was such mental the start of extension of Tariq also in
Albania, where from lessons of love in the name of God and man was possible to
help each other, where nourished for fatherland and believe.
Halveti Tariq is the most widely spread in
Balkans from Ottoman Empire period. Specially in XV century and in XVI through
this Tariq in many regions of Balkans and like part of it in Albanian
territories was presented the concept of Sufism in Islam religion.
Halveti Tariq from XV century has been the
mystical road most popular in Islamic world. This Tariq is founded from the disciple
and called murid (follower) of Ibrahim Zahid Gejnaliu, Omer el – Halvetiu (year
Halveti (loneliness) was one of the most
preferred forms in purification and education of self from the Sufi since the early periods and it
was accepted as the basic principals of an ascetic life.
But the founder of Halveti Tariq Omer el-
Halveti made it the foundation of life of Sufi and structured in an uncial form
of Tariq.
Even if the founder of Halveti is Omer el-
Halvetiu, the deciding of main principals and spreading of this Tariq all
around the world is made through the second alderman, Spiritual Leader (Piri)
thani of this Tariq, Sejjid Jahja
Shirvaniut ( year 862/1457 or 868/1463-64) and his chapters (halife).
After Sejjid Jahja Shirvani the Halveti Tariq is divided in four
main branches:
Shabanije was founded by SHban Veli ( years 976/1568)
- -Karabashijje
founded by Karabash Veli ( years 1107/1568)
- -Nasuhijje
founded by Nasuhi Mehmed Efendi (years 1130/1486)
- and
also the branches
and Sarijje.
and Sarijje.
Branch Rushenijje - founded by Omer Dede Rusheniu (y.892 / 1486).
branch also has subsidiaries:
-Dermirtashijje established by Mehmed Dermirtas (year.938 / 1529);
-Gylshenijje Founded by Ibrahim Gylsheniu (y.940 / 1533)
-Sezaijje Founded by Hasan Sezaiu (y.1151 / 1738)
-Dermirtashijje established by Mehmed Dermirtas (year.938 / 1529);
-Gylshenijje Founded by Ibrahim Gylsheniu (y.940 / 1533)
-Sezaijje Founded by Hasan Sezaiu (y.1151 / 1738)
Founded by Hasan Halati (y.1329 / 1911)
Branch Ahmedijje - founded by Ahmed Shemseddin b. Isa Marmaraviu (y.910 / 1504) its
subsidiaries are:
- Ramazanijje-established by Ramadan Mahfiu (years 1025/1616);
- Ramazanijje-established by Ramadan Mahfiu (years 1025/1616);
- Xherrahije
established by Nureddin Jerrahi (1133 / 1721)
- Misrijje-
Established by Niyazi Misriu (years 1105 / 1693) and branches
4 -Branch Shemsijje - founded by Ahmed Shemseddin Sivasiu (year 1006 / 1597).
Taking into account these four branches and their founders, Tariq Halveti is branched in many other sub-branches, depending on the time and place of the educational and action process .411 Sufi (sejr-of suluk)
The believe of Tariq Halveti is applied through remembering seven names of Allah (esmau "s-seb" a), namely: "La ilaha illallah" , "Allah hu", "Haqq", "Hajj", "Qayyum", "Qahhar".
Most researchers in Tesavvufi at this Road of believe defines as the invasion route to the testimony of the Oneness of Allah (God is One) through seven names for the purpose of purification of the soul and self of the believer.
Halveti evoke seven names of Allah to remind Zichri or Dhikr ritual, to decide also the seven qualities of human self (nafs). These Seven qualities of nafs are:
Emmar Nafs - nafs incentive for bad
2.-The Levvame Nafs - nafs repentant
3.-The Mulhime Nafs - inspired nafs
4.-The Mutmainne Nafs - nafs of calm
5.-The Radiallaahu Nafs - nafs of pleasing
6.-The Merdijje Nafs - nafs of please
7.- Nafs-i Kamil - Nafs – perfection
(412- 411 For schematic division of branches and subsidiaries Tariq Halveti see:
(412- 411 For schematic division of branches and subsidiaries Tariq Halveti see:
Suleyman, "Halvetiyye" in "Encyclopedia of Islamic
392-393. Balkan Tesavvufi 141.)
with the development and establishment of unit rank, raised and developed
exercises (Riyadh), exorcism (evrad), the educational process (suluk)
platforms ontological (mertebe-of wujood), mood (hal), light (nur) etc. .
Some are of the opinion that Sufi between God and man has seventy thousand curtains, some light and some dark.
Each of the seven degrees coincides with curtains and ten thousand at the end of the educational process Sufi , murid (follower) manages to melt in the oneness of Allah and exist only with (Fena fil bil-lah-lah Beka s). The ritual of dhikr is made on a certain day in Halvetian Tekke and is labeled as Darb-i Esma.
Besides commemorating the masjid, MURID Halveti and exorcism also have individual memories of practice in every moment of their lives.
I want to talk a little about Tariq Al-ijje Halvetîjje Ramazânîjje, to which I belong spiritually, and I've inherited from my ancestors in that very difficult time.
takes its name from the place (rooms) which called Halva or otherwise place of
Shehu performs this service for 40 days, and was devoted to pray and to the
great Lord in the ritual of ziker or Dhikr (Xh.Sh), Order of the Shejhs of the masjid of Shejh Ali Qoban
Baba (Father) won the right of Shejh ( Leader of Tariq) Hussein Rumi Hz.Piri Halveti decided that it will be only 7 (seven) days of isolation and pray in
devotion to God in this Tariq.
Halveti's Tariq spread in Albania country since the sixteenth century. This stems from Rumi 's
spiritual leader Shejh Hussein who
through his sons the will and desire as a spiritual leader and simultaneously inspired
by their father, were distributed and spread Islam through a reputation as a
spiritual leader to meet (Murshidu Kamil), with the title of high-grade of Shejhs
-Shejh Ali Qoban (Shepherd) Baba ( Father) Tekke Asitane is the right to wear the title of successive high-grade Shejh. (cf.infra, page.254-255 ss.)
Ali Qoban Baba first spiritual leader of the Tekke Halvetijje Çajë (Countryside) Tekke raised after his arrival in Greece in (year 1110 )
He has performed in Serez madras (Greece) where and is oriented to the Halvet Tariq.
(Look at Nathalie Clayer Mistiques Societe les Etat Halvetis, pg 298. )
He has performed in Serez madras (Greece) where and is oriented to the Halvet Tariq.
(Look at Nathalie Clayer Mistiques Societe les Etat Halvetis, pg 298. )
Ali Qoban Baba came and settled in Çaja (village) while his
two brothers continued life in Arrën (Arrni) where lived the tribe of Doçi. After the
appointment as Shejh title, Shejh Hysni started to open his tekke asitane
degree in Split (village) as ranking first masjid Halvetije with rights to
other shejhs agreed to open the new masjid.
the title of Shejh grade heads towards the Çaja village in northern Albania
where it establishes a branch of Al-ijje Tariq Halvetijje Ramazanijje. (Note:
we Basbakanlik Arsiv ve Istanbul (MA ICZ.2 / 7) that Shejh Ali Tekke branch
belongs Ramazanijje.
Their activities have performed not only in Luma region but in Highlands of North Albania, in Puka and also in Shkodra, Kosovo (Has-Gjakova) Macedonia and many other countries. Those Shejhs have made agreement between other tribes to forgive the blood for example and time to time have started movement of Albanian patriotism against Ottoman occupation.
The architecture of Tekke Al-ijje Halvetîjje consists in these parts:
It starts from Semahanes (sale),
Halvethanes Sofa, coffee chimney, corridor or relaxing place.
These are the Silsilah of Tariq al-ijje high Halvetîjje Ramazânîjje.
- Branches of Tekkes belonging from Hazreti Piri:
- Hz. Pir Omer Halveti Lahixhan-i
- Hz. Shejh Ehi Mirum Halveti
- Hz. Shejh Izuddin Halveti
- Hz. Shejh Sadreddin Hijavi
- Hz. Pir-i Thani Sejjid Jahja Shirvani Bakuvi (Piri i dytë)
- Hz. Shejh Muhammed Erzingjani
- Hz. Shejh Ibrahim Kamil Kajseri
- Hz. Shejh Alauddin Ushaki
- Hz. Pir Jegidbashi Shemsiddin Ahmed Efendi Marmarav-i Manisa Kolli Ahmedijje
- Hz. Shejh Haxhi Izzeddin Karaman-i
- Hz. Shejh Kasim Larendevi Inegyl-i
- Hz. Shejh Muhammed Muhjiddin Karahisari Istanbull-i
- Hz. Pir Ramazaneddini Mahfi Karahisari Istanbull-i Kolli Ramazanijje
- Hz. Shejh Mestxhi Ali Rumi Edrenev-i
- Hz. Shejh Mestxhizade Ibrahim Ali Edrenev-i
- Hz. Shejh Debbag Ali Rrumi Filibev-i
- Hz. Shejh Fazil Ali Rumi Lofqev-i
- Hz. Shejh Pir Hysejin efendi Serez-i
- Hz. Shejh Hysejin efendi Jenigjev-i
- Hz. Shejh Ali Qoban Baba Qaja Postnishin-i dergahi Qaja
- Hz. Shejh Husejn Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Hasan Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Tahir Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Fetah Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Ibrahim Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Rustem Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Fetah Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Rrezak Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
- Hz. Shejh Emri Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja el-fakir el-hakir Shejh Rustem Çaja Postnishin-i Dergahi Shijak-Durrsi.
started from Tekke and Tomb ( Tyrbe) of Shejh Ali Qoban Baba are:
- Tekke of Shejh Ymer in Tetovo.
- Tekke of Shejh Rexhepi in Rugova, Has region
- Tyrbe of Dervish Veseli in Buzmadhe, Kukes
- Tyrbe of Dervish Luzha in Tropoja
of Tekke crossed the limits of knowing
not only in Luma region but extended in Arrni, Reç, Lura park from the border of Mirdita, Lura,
Montenegro, Shkodra, Puka, Dukagjini
Valley, Hasi, Prizren city, Highland of Gjakova.
or pilgrimage in place the lighted place of Çaja in Kukës in Teke Asitane Halveti is an Islamic tradition which is activated every
year in late August on this date 22 date that affirms and reminds restoration of Maqam
Tekke who have served in all Shejhlers chain until the 1967 year in which
religious institutions were banned, it is Semahanes country in which remind Allah, on this visit included visits to the shrine and the large, kubures
(tombs) of Hz.Pir Shejh Ali Qoban Baba and his successors,
Because our prophet Muhammad Mustafaja (SAW) says : "Visit Quboor (Cemetery) is festive day. "
"visit the graves because they remind you next life" visits pushes him for good deeds. During this day are practiced and expressed prayers and made Zikri (Dhikr as remembrance of Lord), sung and Ilahi, and distributed food for the pilgrim guests.
Dhikr in Tesavvufi ‘s terminology means remembrance of Allah, His being expelled from memory and remembrance of Allah uninterrupted in practice the Dhikr Sufi expression means certain words or texts in number and specific locations, while others have sided with the commemoration is more valuable if done with sound (xhehri), as Rifai and Kadri believers practice the ritual.
Expressed in a group or individually, with or without sound, by the proponents of Tariq.
Because our prophet Muhammad Mustafaja (SAW) says : "Visit Quboor (Cemetery) is festive day. "
"visit the graves because they remind you next life" visits pushes him for good deeds. During this day are practiced and expressed prayers and made Zikri (Dhikr as remembrance of Lord), sung and Ilahi, and distributed food for the pilgrim guests.
Dhikr in Tesavvufi ‘s terminology means remembrance of Allah, His being expelled from memory and remembrance of Allah uninterrupted in practice the Dhikr Sufi expression means certain words or texts in number and specific locations, while others have sided with the commemoration is more valuable if done with sound (xhehri), as Rifai and Kadri believers practice the ritual.
Expressed in a group or individually, with or without sound, by the proponents of Tariq.
Dhikr is one of the most perfect forms of domestic action is the essence of worship and religion, and as such is present in all mystical systems.
He also is among the topics described in the Qur'an many A.Sh.
Here are some of the Qur'an ic verses that speak of Dhikr (evoke God) : "So you remember Me, I will remember you ..." 157,
"O you who believe, remember Allah as often as" 158,
"The believers are actually only those who, when Allah is mentioned their hearts are frightened ... "159,
"to those who cite the remembrance of Allah while standing, when sitting, lying and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth. .. "160,
"... and you remember your Lord much and glorify For Prophet speaks dhikr in a large number of hadith (verse) :
"If a group of remembering Allah, the angels surround them and mercy of God prevails against" 163;
"Mention Allah so much that you say you get" 164;
"Do you want to announce to work better? Remembering Allah "165;
"The difference between where the house where Allah is remembered and what is not mentioned is how the living with the dead" 166.
Hasan al-Basri, as one of Zahid (ascetics) who look for guidance in their lives had chosen the Qur'an and Sun nah, says that passion semantic should be sought in prayer, in the recitation of the Qur'an and the remembrance of Allah.
Persons who do not feel pleasure from these things, he says, are cold tempered.(167 thought Dhikr are similar to Abu Talib and Kushejriu Mekkiu168, which speaks for permanent Dhikr (dhikr-i Daim) to .169 )
Ghazali says that Dhikr (Zikri) is one of the most important acts of worship after chanting of the Qur'an.
Commemoration of value is one that is made with heart and tongue. Remembering continuous, says Ghazali, in man's heart the love of Allah
Given the verses of the Qur'an, the hadith of the Prophet and traditions of generations ago, making Dhikr is one of the fundamental principles of Tesavvuf.
Tariq Halveti has attached great importance to the individual and collective Dhikr (remembrance of God).
Nga Zamir Shehu
Tarikati Halveti e ka marre emrin nga sherbimi dhe nga udheheqesi shpirteror. Ate sherbim qe e kane kaluar dhe Profetet me rradhe si:Hz. Musai (a.s) ne malin Turisina,
Hz. Nuhi(a.s) ne varken e tij, Hz. Isa (a.s) ne pyll, Hz. Muhammed (a.s) ne shpellen e malit Hira, Aty i ka ardh dhe Profetesia (rivelata hyjnore) me ajetet e para “Ikre bi ismi rabike ledhi halek” Lexo ne emrin e Zotit tend i cili eshte Krijues. etj... Sherbim qe e bejne dhe Tarikatet e tjera pa perjashtim.
Te gjithe Tarikatet posi lulet e bukura te Islamizmit, ndezen zjarrin per atdhedashuri tek njerezit. Perhapen misticizmin Islamik ne te gjithe vendin. Keshilla e Tarikatit dhe dashuria e Ehlibejtit jane nyja e bashkimit dhe vellazerimit te muslimaneve. Ishte mendësia jone liberale dhe filozofike qe gjeti nje perkrahje dhe mbeshtetje te gjere nder njerez. Dhe ishte pikerisht kjo mendësi fillesa e perhapjes se tarikateve edhe ne Shqiperi, ku nepermjet mesimeve te dashurise ne emer te Zotit dhe njeriut te ndihmohej njeri-tjetri, ku mëkohej dashuria per atdheun dhe besimin.
Tarikati Halveti është tarikati më i përhapur në Ballkan gjate periudhës osmane. Në veçanti në shekujt XVdhe XVI nëpërmjet këtij tarikati në shumë vise të Ballkanit, e si pjesë e tij edhe në trojet shqiptare, është prezentuar botëkuptimi sufik i fesë islame. Tarikati Halveti duke filluar prej shekullit XV ka qenë rruga mistike më e përhapur në botën islame. Ky tarikat është themeluar nga ana e nxënësit dhe muridit të Ibrahim Zahid Gejlaniut, Omer el-Halvetiut (v.750/1349).
Halveti (vetmia) ishte njëra nga trajtat më të preferuara në pastrimin dhe edukimin e unit nga ana e sufijve që nga periudhat më të hershme dhe pranohej si një nga parimet themelore të jetës askete. Mirëpo themeluesi i Tarikatit Halveti, Omer el-Halvetiu atë e ka bërë themel të jetës sufike dhe e ka sistematizuar në formë të tarikatit të veçantë. Edhe pse themelues i Tarikatit Halveti është Omer el-Halvetiu, vendosja e parimeve themelore dhe përhapja e këtij tarikati në të katër anët e botës është bërë nëpërmjet kryeplakut të dytë, piri thani, të këtij tarikati, Sejjid Jahja Shirvaniut (v.862/1457 ose 868/1463-64) dhe halifeve të tij.
Tarikati Halveti pas Sejjid Jahja Shirvaniut është ndarë në katër degë kryesore:
1. Dega Xhemalijje - e themeluar nga Xhemal Halvetiu (v.899/1493),nendeget e xhejmalis jane :-Synbylijje e themeluar nga Symbyl Sinani (v.936/1529)
-Shabanijje e themeluar nga SHban Veli (v.976/1568)
-Karabashijje e themeluar nga Karabash Veli (v.1107/1695
-Nasuhijje e themeluar nga Nasuhi Mehmed Efendi (v.c1130/1718)
si dhe deget Bekrijje,Derdirijje dhe Sarijje.
2. Dega Rushenijje - e themeluar nga Dede Omer Rusheniu (v.892/1486).
kjo dege ka edhe nendeget : -Dermirtashijje e themeluar nga Mehmed Dermirtas(v.938/1529); -Gylshenijje e themeluar nga Ibrahim Gylsheniu (v.940/1533)
-Sezaijje e themeluar nga Hasan Sezaiu (v.1151/1738)
-Halatijje e themeluar nga Hasan Halati (v.1329/1911)
3. Dega Ahmedijje - e themeluar nga Ahmed Shemseddin b. Isa Marmaraviu(v.910/1504)
nendeget e tij jane:Ramazanijje-e thrmeluar nga Ramazan Mahfiu (v. 1025/1616);
-xherrahije e themeluar nga Nureddin Xherrahi (v.1133/1721)
-Misrijje- e themeluar nga Nijazi Misriu (v.1105/1693) dhe deget Xhihangirijje,Raufijje,
4. Dega Shemsijje - e themeluar nga Shemseddin Ahmed Sivasiu (v.1006/1597).
Duke i marrë për bazë këto katër degë dhe themeluesit e tyre, Tarikati Halveti është degëzuar edhe në shumë nëndegë të tjera, varësisht nga koha dhe vendi i veprimit.411 Procesi edukativ-arsimor sufik (sejr-i suluk)
Ne Tarikatin Halveti bëhet nëpërmjet përkujtimit të shtatë emrave të Allahut (esmau‟s-seb‟a), edhe atë: La ilahe illallah, Allah, Hû, Hakk, Hajj, Kajjum, Kahhar. Shumica e studiuesve të Tesavvufit këtë tarikat e përkufizojnë si rrugë e pushtimit me dëshminë e njëshmërisë së Allahut nëpërmjet shtatë emrave me qëllim të pastrimit të shpirtit dhe unit.
Halvetijtë përballë shtatë emrave të Allahut që i përkujtojnë në ritualet e zikrit, kanë vendosur shtatë cilësi të unit njerëzor (nefs). Shtatë cilësitë e nefsit janë:
1. Nefs-i emmare - nefsi nxitës për të keqe
2. Nefs-i levvame - nefsi pendues
3. Nefs-i mulhime - nefsi i frymëzuar
4. Nefs-i mutmainne - nefsi i qetësuar
5. Nefs-i radije - nefsi kënaqës
6. Nefs-i merdijje - nefsi i kënaqur
7. Nefs-i kamile - nefsi i përsosur.
(412 - 411 Për ndarjen skematike të degëve dhe nëndegëve të tarikatit Halveti shih:
Uludag, Suleyman, “Halvetiyye”, në “Enciklopedia Islame e Dijanetit”,
XV, 392-393. Tesavvufi në Ballkan 141 .)
Proporcionalisht me zhvillimin dhe ngritjen e gradave të unit, ngrihen dhe zhvillohen edhe stërvitjet (rijada), ekzorcizmat (evrad), procesi edukativ (suluk), platforma ontologjike (mertebe-i vuxhud), gjendja shpirtërore (hal), drita (nur) etj.
Disa sufij janë të mendimit se ndërmjet Allahut dhe njeriut ka shtatëdhjetë mijë perde, disa prej drite e disa të errëta. Secila prej shtatë gradëve përkon me nga dhjetë mijë perde dhe në fund të procesit edukativ sufik, muridi (dishepulli) arrin të shkrihet në njëshmërinë e Allahut dhe të ekzistojë vetëm me të (fena fil-lah ve beka bil-lah). Rituali i dhikrit me zë i cili bëhet në ditë të caktuara në teqetë halvetiane është i emërtuar si darb-i esma. Përveç përkujtimit në teqe, muridët halveti kanë edhe përkujtime dhe ekzorcizma individuale që i praktikojnë në çdo moment të jetës së tyre.
Dua te flas pak per Tarikatin Âl-ijje Halvetîjje Rramazânîjje, te cilit i perkas shpirterisht dhe qe e kam te trasheguar nga paraardhesit e mij ne ate kohe mjaft te veshtire.
Halveti e merr emrin nga vendi (dhoma) e cila quhet Halvet ose ndryshe vendizolimi,
Aty Shehu kryn sherbimin per 40 dite, duke iu perkushtuar me falje dhe ziker te madhit Zot (Xh.Sh),Rendi i Shehlereve te teqes se Shejh Ali Qoban Babes ka fituar te drejten prej Hz.Pirit Shejh Husein Rumi Serezi qe Halvetin ta keni vetem 7(shtate) dite.
Tarikati Halveti eshte perhapur ne Shqiperi qe ne shek XVI .
Kjo rrjedh nga udheheqesi shpirteror Shejh Husein Rumi Serezi, i cili nepermjet djemve te tij me vullnet dhe deshira shpirterore te inspiruar nga udheheqesi dhe njekohesisht babai i tyre, u shperndane dhe perhapen Islamin nepermjet nje reputacioni shpirteror si udheheqesa te plotesuar (Murshidu Kamil), me titullin e grades se larte te shehlereve “Aziz”.
Teqeja e Shejh Ali Çoban Babes eshte Asitane me te drejte per te veshur Pasardhes me titullin e grades se larte Shejh. (cf.infra,f.254-255 ss.)
Shejh Ali Qoban Baba udheheqesi i pare shpirteror i Teqes Halvetijje Çaje(Fshat) e ngriti teqen me ardhjen e tij nga Serezi Greqi ne vitin (1110 h) Ai ka kryer Medresen ne Serez (Greqi) ku dhe eshte orientuar per tarikatin e Halvetive . (shih Nathalie Clayer Mistiques Etat societe les Halvetis,fq 298.)
Sheh Ali Qoban Baba Ali, erdhi dhe u vendos ne çaje (fshat) ndersa dy vellezrit e tij vazhduan jeten ne Arren ku rrejdh fisi i Doçit. Pas emrimit si Shejh,Shejh Hysni Serezi e nis per te hapur teqen e tij te shkalles asitane ne Çaje (fshat) si teqe e rangut te pare Halvetije me te drejte per te vesh Shehlere te tjere qe te hape teqe te reja.
Me titullin e grades Shejh niset drejt fshatit Çaje ne veri te Shqiperis ku aty themelon degen e Tarikatit Al-ijje Halvetijje Ramazanijje.(shenim: ne Basbakanlik Arsiv ne Iatambull (MA ICZ.2/7) se Teqeja e Shejh Aliut i perket deges Ramazanijje.
Veprimtarine e tyre e kan kryer jo vetem ne Lume ,Malesi ,Puke po edhe ne Shkoder ,Kosove (Has-Gjakove) Maqedoni dhe shume vende tjera.Keta Shehlere kan pajtuar fise ( falur gjakun) dhe kohe pas kohe kane ndezur zjarrin e patriotizmit.
Teqeja Âl-ijje Halvetîjje perbehet si ngrehine arkitekture prej Semahanes (sale), Halvethanes sofat, kafe oxhakut, koridorit apo vendit veror.
Silsilja e Tarikatit te larte Âl-ijje Halvetîjje Ramazânîjje.
Degzimi i Teqes prej Hazreti Pirit
Hz. Pir Omer Halveti Lahixhan-i
Hz. Shejh Ehi Mirum Halveti
Hz. Shejh Izuddin Halveti
Hz. Shejh Sadreddin Hijavi
Hz. Pir-i Thani Sejjid Jahja Shirvani Bakuvi (Piri i dytë)
Hz. Shejh Muhammed Erzingjani
Hz. Shejh Ibrahim Kamil Kajseri
Hz. Shejh Alauddin Ushaki
Hz. Pir Jegidbashi Shemsiddin Ahmed Efendi Marmarav-i Manisa Kolli Ahmedijje
Hz. Shejh Haxhi Izzeddin Karaman-i
Hz. Shejh Kasim Larendevi Inegyl-i
Hz. Shejh Muhammed Muhjiddin Karahisari Istanbull-i
Hz. Pir Ramazaneddini Mahfi Karahisari Istanbull-i Kolli Ramazanijje
Hz. Shejh Mestxhi Ali Rumi Edrenev-i
Hz. Shejh Mestxhizade Ibrahim Ali Edrenev-i
Hz. Shejh Debbag Ali Rrumi Filibev-i
Hz. Shejh Fazil Ali Rumi Lofqev-i
Hz. Shejh Pir Hysejin efendi Serez-i
Hz. Shejh Hysejin efendi Jenigjev-i
Hz. Shejh Ali Qoban Baba Qaja Postnishin-i dergahi Qaja
Hz. Shejh Husejn Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Hasan Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Tahir Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Fetah Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Ibrahim Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Rustem Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Fetah Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Rrezak Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
Hz. Shejh Emri Çaja Postnishin-i dergahi Çaja
el-fakir el-hakir Shejh Rustem Çaja Postnishin-i Dergahi Shijak-Durres.
Teqet dhe Tyrbet e hapura nga Teqeja e Shejh Ali Qoban Babes jane:
- Teqeja e Shejh Ymerit ne Tetove.
- Teqeja e Shejh Rexhepit ne Rugove te Hasit,
- Tyrbja e Dervish Veselit ne Buzmadhe te Kukesit.
- Tyrbja e Dervish Luzhes ne Tropoje.
Influenca e Teqes i kaloi kufijte e njohjes jo vetem ne krahinen e Lumes por shtrihet nga Arrni ne Reç e Lure ne kufi me Mirditen, Malin e Zi ne Shkoder, Puke, Prizren, ne Rrafshin e Dukagjinit, ne Has dhe gjithe Malsine e Gjakoves.